The Elf Run in support of St Rocco's Hospice
KS1 nativity - The Inn-Spectors
The whole school took part in a Remembrance Day Service on the 10th November 2023
Nov 23 - CAFOD social teaching sessions supporting children to live out their faith.
Sept 23 - Macmillan Coffee Morning - children sang and recited poetry whilst parents enjoyed coffee and cakes served by the Y6 children
July 23 - Fr Dave celebrated Mass in school for St Benedict's Day
Year 4 Children - May 2023 - First Reconciliation Service at St Benedict's Church
March 23 - Y1 Rejoice Assembly was a wonderful occasion. Families listened to them talk and sing about people who are special
Dec 22 - Thanks to all the support given to St Rocco's in helping to raise so much money.
Our Nursery and Reception children performed for families and friends telling the story of the First Christmas.
The children ran laps of the school grounds to help raise money for St Rocco's Hospice.
Our Year 6 children sang to Pensioners at St Benedict's Club
Remembrance Day Service was held outside and children placed stones painted with poppies at the front of school.
Y1 enjoyed the cakes following the Macmillan Coffee morning which raised over £600
First Communion - June 2022
First Communion - June 2022
Ascension Day Mass held in the hall with the whole school
Fr Dave celebrates Mass at the end of the Spring Term
Jim and Doreane from CAFOD spoke to our children about raising money for CAFOD during LENT
The Elf Run raised an amazing £605 for St Rocco's Hospice
Everyone ran in the Elf Run including our Nursery children.
Children donate their loose change in support of Mary's Meals in Advent 2021
Remembrance Day 2021 - Children laid hand painted poppies in our garden
Children from across the school joined our Remembrance Day 2021
CAFOD thanks for raising money by walking during Lent
Children help build the Crib at St Benedict's Church
Christmas Mass in School
Entrance Hall Display
Father Dave celebrates Easter Mass in the hall with Y5 and 6 with all classes watching via a live stream
Father Dave celebrates Easter Mass in the hall with Y5 and 6 with all classes watching via a live stream
First Communions Display in School
Fr Dave celebrates mass with the whole school. The first time since the start of the pandemic.
May Procession 2021
Nativity Scene at the front entrance to school
Nursery children have been learning about Baptism
One of four groups who celebrated their First Holy Communions in Church at the start of September
Remembrance Display
Service of Thanks for those who supported us during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sister Maria works with children following her inspirational presentation
St Benedict's Church, Orford
The cross was formed at a centre piece to the hall when the hall window was replaced.