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SEND Information Report

SEND Information Report – January 2025


What kinds of SEND are provided for at St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School?

Staff at St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School refer to the graduated response as detailed in the SEND policy when providing support for pupils with SEND. This graduated response begins with early identification or concerns over learning development, behaviour, speech, social interaction or disability. Utilising the 3 step approach (Universal Provision followed by Targeted Provision and then graduated to Specialist Provision if necessary) each teacher is provided with a 3 step manual for identifying SEND needs and a list of staff and resources available for each step of the review process when supporting pupils with additional needs.

At present (January 2025), staff are supporting children with a diagnosis of ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder), ADHD, Speech & Language difficulties, behavioural difficulties and various other barriers to learning, some as yet unidentified and under investigation. Staff utilise a number of intervention strategies, tools and electronic software packages as well as support from external partner agencies. A full list of the school’s intervention itinerary can be viewed by clicking on the link to the Local Offer on our SEN web site page.

What policies have the school in place for identifying pupils with SEND?

The school has a SEND policy that has been updated in light of the publication of the 2014 SEN Codes of practice. The school has also issued all staff with the 3-step model guidance sheet as detailed above.

How does St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School involve parent/carers of children with SEND and consult with them on matters relating to their children?

St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School’s SEND policy states: Identification of pupils with SEND First Concerns: St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School understands that the voice of parents, family members and carers is vital to identifying, understanding and working with children to break down barriers to learning. Pupils themselves are listened to and discussion takes place between all concerned parties for the benefit of all children. The pupil/parent/carer voice is listened to at St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School. If there is a concern in school about a child or parents/carers raise concerns, the class teacher will talk to the parent/carer concerned and closer observation and monitoring of progress will be carried out. An appropriately differentiated programme will be set, aimed at encouraging the child to make better progress. The class teacher may also suggest ways in which parents/carers can help at home. Furthermore, St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School discusses all aspects of a child’s educational needs by way of termly pupil progress (including interim progress if required) meetings and this includes children with SEND. The voice of both parent/carer and pupil is captured in the formulation of SEND Profile/Individual Education Plans (IEPs) with clear outcomes designed by staff, parent and pupil. The IEP is reviewed termly and discussion with parent/carer and pupil takes place at parent/carer consultation evenings.

How does St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School prepare children with SEND for transitional phases of their education?

St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School staff engage in a rigorous transition agenda during the final term of the school year. This is to help all pupils move from one class or phase to the next. Children who are joining the EYFS stage of their education will benefit from our staff visiting any prior settings such as children centres or nurseries. Children who are leaving primary education to secondary are assisted by close involvement with the new secondary school. Strong links are in place with our neighbouring secondary schools to this effect. For those children with SEND, extra sessions are allocated to staff to ensure that the receiving teacher is up to date with all aspects of the child’s SEND. Parent/carers are fully involved and their voice is listened to. The school SENDCO hosts a Thursday evening drop in each week of the year to capture any such concerns as early as possible. Where children with SEND are moving to secondary education, a separate transitional meeting is held between all SENDCOs with parent/carer involvement and the voice of the pupil carried forward. Where separate transitional days are thought to benefit the child, these are arranged between the SENDCOs.

What is St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School’s approach to the teaching of SEND children?

Staff at St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School believe that all children, regardless of disability, background or other social or medical factors deserve the best education possible. For this reason, our policy states: It is our belief that all children are entitled to an education which meets their individual needs where inclusive policies underpin and promote inclusive practice. (SEND Codes of Practice 2014 6:12) Our school philosophy is that all children are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum differentiated where necessary to meet their needs and that those needs are best met alongside their peers. Children may have special educational needs either throughout schooling or at any time in their lives. These children may need a degree of extra help either on a short-term basis or to address more long-standing needs. St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School believes in preparing children for lifelong learning. We firmly believe that the most effective way of supporting and addressing special educational needs is to form close links between home and school. Under this policy outline, staff at St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School adopt a graduated approach to identifying and providing for the needs of children with SEND. Governors are kept informed of SEND aspects by way of regular Governors meetings and allocated Governors hold distinct SEND positions within the governing body. The Head Teacher is regularly updated by the SENDCO and in discussion with all staff, the daily work of SEND provision is undertaken within all classes. The Head Teacher guides and drives forward the successful implementation of SEND policy and keeps the Governing Body duly informed.

How does St Benedict’s adapt its environment and curriculum to the needs of pupils with SEND?

 The Head Teacher, Governing Body, SENDCO and all staff members contribute to the discussion and problem solving of all aspects of school life, environment and curriculum that may disadvantage SEND pupils. To that end, a continual framework of challenge and change is encouraged to find the best way forward for those pupils. In terms of disability, the school will fund extra requirements for children with mobility issues or adapt the curriculum and environment to avoid the environment stopping such children from accessing lessons.

How does St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School utilise specialist training within its own staff and that of external agencies?

The SENDCO at St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School has been awarded the Post Graduated SEN Certificate (2014) “The SENCO Award”. Precision Teaching strategies and training have also been a major focus in recent years and all teaching based staff have received training. A request for support from external agencies is likely to follow a decision taken by the SENDCO and colleagues, in consultation with parents/carers at a review of the child’s IEP. At SEND Support, external support services will usually see the child so that they can advise teachers about desired outcomes for IEP, strategies and provide more specialist assessments to inform planning and the measurement of a pupil’s progress, give advice on the use of new or specialist strategies or materials and in some cases provide support for particular activities. The triggers for support from external agencies will be that, despite receiving individualised support under SEND support, the child: continues to make little or no progress in specific areas over an agreed period and reviewed termly, continues working at Early Years Framework/National Curriculum banding substantially below that expected of children of a similar age; continues to have difficulty in developing literacy and mathematics skills; has emotional or behavioural difficulties which substantially and regularly interfere with the child’s own learning or that of the class group, despite having an individualised behaviour management programme; has sensory or physical needs, and requires additional specialist equipment or regular advice or visits by a specialist service; has on-going communication or interaction difficulties that impede the development of social relationships and cause substantial barriers to learning. When school seeks the help of external support services, those services will need to see the child’s records in order to establish which strategies have already been employed and which targets have been set and achieved. The external specialist may act in an advisory capacity or provide additional specialist assessment or be involved in teaching the child directly. The resulting IEP for the child will set out fresh strategies for supporting the child’s progress. These will be implemented, at least in part, in the normal classroom setting. The delivery of the interventions recorded in the IEP continues to be the responsibility of the class teacher.

How does St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School measure the effectiveness of SEND intervention plans?

St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School utilises the commercial software tracking package ‘FFT Aspire’. Staff and senior leaders meet for pupils’ progress tracking meetings half termly and discuss all pupils. Those pupils with SEN are discussed in detail and the nature of the intervention, its delivery, effect on outcomes and duration are discussed. Alterations to the intervention are discussed and parent/carers invited to take part in any planning or voice opinions. Next step strategies are discussed and developed in accordance with the child’s needs.

How does St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School enable children with SEND to engage in activities with children who do not have SEND?

The underlining philosophy at St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School is one of inclusion and involvement. Children with SEND are not seen as acting outside of the main activities of the school but encouraged to participate within the main activities and therefore general life of the school. Where such SEND form a barrier to involvement, all possible steps are taken to remove those barriers whether they are physical or some other form of barrier. The views of children with SEND and their parent/carers are sought before any participation in such events.

How does the school support children with SEND in terms of social and emotional issues including bullying?

All staff are aware of anti-bullying teaching strategies and assemblies as a way to educate and guide children to recognizing and deal with bullying and other anti-social behaviour.

How does the school work with other public bodies to support children with SEN?

Staff at St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School pride themselves on the working relationships with all external agencies brought in to support our pupils. We regularly host SEND meetings including TAF (Team around the Family) reviews, EHAT reviews, local training, Speech & Language planning meetings, consortia meetings and Educational Psychologist reviews. We have close links with our local CAMHS officers. These relationships and good working practices have benefited the needs of all pupils and particularly those with a SEN.


Although the COVID 19 outbreak has caused a great deal of limitations affecting services within all schools, St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School has a detailed risk assessment to facilitate as much as possible, the return to a normal timetable. In terms of SEND, services from external agencies can continue with an agreement from school and the service involved around safe working practices. School is mindful of the additional needs, anxieties and complicating issues for all pupils and especially those with SEND. Physical, Social and Health Education programme (PSHE) is in place to facilitate the needs of SEND pupils.

How does the school handle complaints in relation to the SEND provision for its pupils?

The school SEND policy outlines in detail the route for complaints and grievance and this is published on the school website. The relevant part of the policy states: Response to complaints Parents or children who are dissatisfied with any aspect of the special needs support offered should make their complaints: in the first instance to the SENDCO if a parent/carer is still unhappy, she/he can put her/his complaint in writing to the Chair of the Governing Body.


R Forde (Headteacher) January 2025

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